In my special recent video announcement related to the death of George Floyd, I pledged to take five actions.
- Donate my paycheck to the staff for bonus pay.
- Fund a C.N.A/HHA scholarship per year for five years. (Applications will open soon.)
- Fight cruelty and racism where ever we see it.
- Don’t paint any group with a single brush, including law enforcement.
- Be polite always, especially when I disagree with other points of view.
I invite you all to think of steps you can take to improve the world around you. Last week, Jeannette Gonzalez from our Culver City office, presented dinner to the Culver City police department. People bond around food, so it’s a great way to build a bridge. Jeannette made sure to buy the meal from a local business, and then she delivered it in person. The officers were extremely grateful. When you look at the pictures, notice how young they all look, even behind face masks. I also noticed they seem like a very diverse group, much like our local community.
Last week, the Encinitas office also delivered meals to the Encinitas substation of the San Diego Sherriff’s department. We fed 50 officers lunch, with a card that reminded them that their community cares about them as people, and that we are all looking to learn and grow from the challenges in our country right now.