Care managers are a valuable took to help seniors live a better life at home. As a service that takes the burden off of families caring for elderly relatives, care managers provides extra support for seniors who can’t or won’t rely on family for assistance.

While caregivers provide help with activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, companionship, etc., a care manager is a higher level of service that can help with decision making, legal document preparation, medication issues, health planning, social and living issues, and collaboration between family and physicians.

At Home Nursing Care is a leading provider of care management services, through RN Care Management or the services of a Care Manage, Certified, such as Chrissy Beane.

Chrissy Beane Head Shot
Chrissy Beane, CMC

Typical services provided by a care manager include:

Medication Management

• Written Medication Profiles and Updates

• Refill Services and Management

• Organization in pill boxes/dispensers

• Home Safety Assessments

• Comprehensive Health Assessments and Ongoing Assistance

• Medical Appointment Scheduling/Accompaniment

• Chronic Disease Management and Crisis Intervention

• Community Referrals and Legal Planning/Direction

• Collaborative Family Communication

Care Management helps seniors live better.
Shot of a senior mother using a walker while out for a walk in the garden with her daughter

Care managers who are certified through the Aging Life Care Association adhere to a strict code of ethics and standards of practice.  Among the most important rules is that a care manager is independent and puts the needs of the senior first. Care managers are not to give advice which is influenced by referral fees. Therefore, care managers do not steer older adults toward a particular product, service or residence based on fees paid in return.  

Care managers are advocates purely for the benefit of the older adult.  Most are college educated and several have advanced degrees in nursing or social work.  They must have at least one year of experience in order to sit for the Care Manager, Certified exam.

Who may benefit from a care manager?

• Clients who have medical or psychological problems

• People who are not safe in their current living environment and need housing options

• Seniors who are unhappy with current daily care providers and need resources

• Adults who are confused by legal or financial situations and need advocacy

• Families who are “burned out” or too geographically far to care for relatives

• Those who need education, advocacy, problem solving

One example of when to involve care management is when a family wants an independent analysis of a senior’s current living situation and whether enough supports are there. Care management may lead to recommended changes to the home, suggest adding home heath care or even tackle difficult conversations such as whether the senior should continue driving. A care manager as part of the care management service is also a trusted companion that can make sure a senior’s social life and interests are maintained even with the challenges of aging.

Senior man driving his car, care management can help evaluate safety.
Worried Senior Male Driver Looking Through Car Windscreen

Clients pay care managers hourly and care managers dedicate themselves to putting the strengths, needs, goals and preferences of the client into a formalized plan of care.  They can tackle single issues, such as advising and accompanying seniors touring retirement communities or assisted living communities.  Or for clients who need extensive help, they can start with getting proper assistance with advance directives, coordinating banking or budgeting issues, coordinating in home care or stepping in to a crisis situation and collaborating on a holistic plan to stabilize the senior.

One service a care manager should not provide is supervision of “under the table” caregivers, as this would make the care manager jointly liable with the client for wage and hour, tax and other employment requirements.  However, a care manager can collaborate with caregivers legally hired and paid through a full-service agency, such as At Home Nursing Care.   

At Home Nursing Care providers care managers in San Diego and Los Angeles, Culver City, Marina Del Rey and Santa Monica through our nurse care managers and also our Care Manager, Certified staff.

Jeannette and Shadae, RN, getting Chamber of Commerce award for 10 years providing care management and other services in Culver City,
Care Managers Help Seniors Live Better 5